Departmental Access in OSCAR
The ability to view documents (requisitions, PO’s, invoices) in OSCAR is controlled by departmental access.
All OSCAR users have a “Department” assigned to their profile (sometimes referred to as the home department or profile department). This is where any documents they create/own are stored (similar to storing documents in a folder). This home department gives users the ability to view documents created by other users who have the same home department.
To check your home department, click on the person icon in the top right corner of OSCAR and select ‘View My Profile’. Your home department is located in the “Department” field.
OSCAR users can also be granted additional access to view documents created by users who have a different home department than their own home department.
In the above example, E-Business granted permission for this user to have additional access to see documents in the E-Business (4200) department folder. That is, they can see documents created by other users who also have E-Business (4200) as their home department. This user will also see documents in the Procurement Services (5202) folder since the department in their profile is Procurement Services (5202).
All of the documents this user personally creates/owns are stored in the Procurement Services (5202) department folder. Anyone who has Procurement Services (5202) as their home department or has been granted additional access to the Procurement Services (5202) department will be able to see the documents this user creates/owns.
How to see what department a document is associated with
Requisitions – On the summary tab, look in the General section.
Purchase Orders – On the summary tab, look in the Contact Information section or on the Status tab, look in the General Information section.
Invoices - On the summary tab, look in the General section. Note – PO department is displayed on PO and Non-PO Invoices
- The ability to view documents in OSCAR is independent from FOAPAL. The FOAPAL used on a document in OSCAR has no impact on a user’s ability to view that document in OSCAR.
- The ability to view documents in OSCAR is independent from Banner.
- Approvers are always able to view documents that are pending their approval.
- After an Approver approves a document, they will only be able to see the document if they have the correct department access.
- If you are unable to view an OSCAR document, please submit an OSCAR support ticket with the ‘Document View Access Request’ category using the Finance & Administrative Support site
The following examples help demonstrate Departmental Access in OSCAR
Example #1:
Jane’s home department in her OSCAR profile is Biology (2530)
Peter’s home department is his OSCAR profile is Chemistry (2540)
Neither Jane or Peter have been granted additional access
Jane creates a requisition, purchasing paper from Staples. She uses the following FOAPA 130000.2540.001.20500.200207
Question Will Peter be able to see this requisition?
Answer No
This is because Peter’s home department = Chemistry (2540) and this requisition was stored under the Biology (2530) department. Remember, FOAPAL doesn’t impact a user’s ability to view an OSCAR document.
Question If we grant Peter additional access to see Biology (2530), does the answer change?
Answer Yes
Peter can now see any requisitions (invoices, POs) created by users who have Biology (2530) as their home department in their OSCAR profile.
Example #2:
Charlie works in the School of Engineering (SOE) and has Banner access to all SOE funds/orgs. His home department in his OSCAR profile is Core Engineering (2350).
Eva also works in the SOE and her home department in OSCAR is Civil Engineering (2240).
Neither has been granted additional access
Eva is responsible for creating all SOE requisitions and paying for SOE invoices. Charlie believes he should be able to see all these OSCAR documents because of his Banner access.
Question Is Charlie correct?
Answer No
Remember, Banner access has no impact on the ability to view documents in OSCAR
Question Is there a way to give Charlie access to all the SOE documents?
Answer Yes
We can grant Charlie additional access to all existing SOE OSCAR departments.