There are several different ways to categorize meals in Concur. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, local business meals, travelling business meals, meals alone, or meals with attendees. This article will help you understand how to properly record meals in Concur, even if you have pancakes for dinner in Australia on a trip with an RPI faculty member and a colleague from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
Expense Type
When you are eating and paying for yourself, no list of attendees is required. If you are dining with others and paying for more than one person in addition to yourself, this is a business meal and a list of attendees must be provided.
If you are just paying for yourself, regardless of location, the meal should be recorded as a Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner.
Eating Anywhere
Breakfast = just you
Lunch = just you
Dinner = just you
If you are paying for yourself and one or more other people, that qualifies as a business meal and the location comes into play. All business meals require a list of attendees.
Eating In Town
Business Meals – Local – Breakfast = you and one or more other people (attendee list required)
Business Meals – Local – Lunch = you and one or more other people (attendee list required)
Business Meals – Local – Dinner = you and one or more people (attendee list required)
Eating Out of Town
Business Meals – Travelling - Breakfast = you and one or more other people (attendee list required)
Business Meals – Travelling - Lunch = you and one or more other people (attendee list required)
Business Meals – Travelling - Dinner = you and one or more other people (attendee list required)
Attendee Types
For Business Meals it is necessary to list the attendees and what type(s) of attendees they are. There are 4 attendee types available to select in Concur. Every person on the attendee list needs to be assigned an attendee type.
You = This Employee
RPI Faculty or Staff (not including yourself) = Employee
RPI Student = Student
Non-RPI faculty, Staff, or Student = Business Guest or Spouse